Earth Child SWMO

Earth Child was created from inspiration of parenthood and the desire to bring community to those along the same path. Starting out as a small play group of new friends, it has grown many branches and gathered many families to create the roots of a beautiful community. Still always growing, Earth child is much more than a business, it is a village of families who have come together to support one another along this crazy life.
My journey to where i am now started with the realization that the community i was in, at that time, was lacking in options for the soon-to-be mother. Seeking something more sacred, more holistic, and more personal, i dove head first into seeking a solution for not only myself but for anyone i was able to help. This led me to seek out a 200hr yoga certification, with the intention of seeking a prenatal yoga certification. From there, I went on to gain my Prenatal yoga certification, a 500hr advanced teacher certificate, as well as a children's yoga certificate. Through yoga, i discovered my inner desire to soak up as much information as i could that i felt would benefit others in even a small way. I have practiced and studied yoga for over a decade, and have been teaching prenatal yoga since 2013 through The Doula Foundation as well as fertility, postpartum, Baby+1, Toddler+1, babywearing, story-time, kids, teens, family, and regular yoga classes through other studios and my business Earth Child Yoga SWMO. Organically, this has led me to birth work and the completion of my DONA Birth & postpartum doula Certification.
With my yoga education, came a deep love for Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga. Ayurveda is a form of medicine that is the traditional system of medicine of India and seeks to treat and integrate body, mind, and spirit using a comprehensive holistic approach especially by emphasizing diet, herbal remedies, exercise, meditation, breathing, and physical therapy. The deeper i have dove into my studies of yoga and Ayurveda, the more i have felt that there needed to be an emphasis of this lifestyle for mamas-to be, postpartum mamas, and those on any stage of their parenting path, and even more so there needed to be an option for those in my community seeking out a wholesome and nourishing experience through pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond. from there, I harecieved my Ayurvedic Doula certivication, through Sacred Window School of Ayurveda.
One of the last layers to this unfolding is the integration of herbal medicine and the connection to earth on a more personal level. I have dedicated 10 years to developing a garden space that not only ties in with my little loves and the play group we have grown (Earth Child A Natural Family Playgroup SWMO), but has blossomed into a space that has provided over half of the needed herbs for the remedies i provide through my birth work and family focused services! My goal is for this space, my community, and my offerings, to come back into being the Earth Children we were intended to be - feeling balanced, nourished, nurtured, and whole.